Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Frizzy and Itchy

I've had my twists in for almost 1 week and they are frizzy and itchy already. They are frizzy because I don't have the right type of head scarf and the one I'm using keeps sliding off in the middle of the night.

I've decided I'm washing my hair on Friday! I was going to try to make it to 2 weeks but I think 1 week is best for me. I don't know what I want to do with my hair after that. I'm off to NP to find some different protective styles.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Starting Anew!

Well, last Tuesday I decided it was time I did something about my hair. I am embarrassed to say that I have really neglected it. I hadn't detangled in I don't know how long. I had freeform locs going on.

So.. I washed my hair, and then deep conditioned overnight. The next day I detangled half my hair (couldn't finished due to my fingers hurting [I think I have arthritis]) and twisted it so I wouldn't have any problems. The day after that I detangled the other half of my hair, washed and conditioned again and then put twists in.

It took all day Wednesday to detangle 1/2 my head and then half of Thursday to detangle the other side.

I can't believe I let my hair get that bad. At least I didn't have to cut it. It just took time, patience, and a lot of conditioner.

So... here I am starting my hair journey again. Trying to keep my hair healthy, looking good, and as long as it will grow. My goal right now is waist length. If you check out my hair photo blog, you will see my hair was waist length before doing the BC. One day, I will be there again.

Hair Stats: 3C/4A, OS, Kinky, Nappy, Curly, Coily! 24" long.


Hi all! I'm Chelci, I'm 20 years old and this blog is devoted to my hair!

I have just celebrated my 3 year Nappiversary on May 31, 2009! YAY ME!! I began transitioning after my last perm on June 01, 2005. I transitioned for 1 year and did the BC (Big Chop) on May 31, 2006.

I will be sharing my hair routine, styles, goals, and hopefully I will receive advice and maybe a few followers!